2013 Preservation Awards Event

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Eureka Heritage Society held its 2013 Historic Preservation Awards at
the Eureka Woman’s Club, 1531 J Street.

Four historical properties and a College of the Redwoods Professor are this year’s recipients of the Eureka Heritage Society’s annual preservation awards.


For a PDF of the Awards Ceremony Invitation, click here:

Click on the highlighted award recipient to visit a gallery of photos taken at the ceremony:

  • Preservationist of the Year: Bill Hole. College of the Redwoods Professor and creator of that institution's Historic Preservation and Restoration Technology Program
  • The Adaptive Reuse Award was presented Picky Picky Picky, 304 Sixth Street.
  • The Commercial Preservation Award honors the Healy Brothers Building and the work done on its restoration by Kurt Kramer following the near loss of the structure to earthquake damage.
  • The Residential Award goes to the family home at 1432 L St.
  • The Community Award for 2013 is given to Christ Episcopal Chuch and Rectory in recogition of the restoration of the Rectory chimney.

  • “The Preservation Awards,” explains EHS Past-President Ron Kuhnel, “are an incentive to building owners to restore and maintain the buildings that are Eureka’s important heritage.”

    Preservation Awards Events of the Past can always be found in the
