The Eureka Heritage Society's Newsletter,
The Heritage Herald
, Fall 1999

Working the Neighborhoods

You are invited to help design the Society's Neighborhood Improvement Program. The initial meeting will take place in October. We'll be looking for ways to apply historic preservation strategies to Eureka's west side neighborhoods. The part of Eureka west of E- Street and north of Wabash contains a multitude of historic homes. It's also a very mixed area. Some parts are well maintained. Others aren't or have been impacted by ugly new construction of inharmonious development. Interest in the west side neighborhoods is growing.
The City has announced financing for a fix-up program. Schools, public works and some major foundations have all suggested ideas for neighborhood improvements. All the interested parties have been invited to participate in the October meeting. 
Come and contribute your two cents. We'll be looking for ways that the Society can coordinate or contribute to the improvement of Eureka's older and somewhat neglected neighborhoods. Call 443-8564 if you want to participate. ---- Ted Loring, Jr.

10 West Clark Street at the Corner of A Street

Keep Eureka Beautiful
Keep Eureka Beautiful is a nonprofit group founded in 1996 in the aftermath of community-wide hearings regarding crime.  Discussion of the "Broken Window Theory" led to an awareness that beautification impacts not only property values by also neighborhood safety/crime prevention.
The mission of Keep Eureka Beautiful is to encourage the citizens and businesses of Eureka to maintain the beauty of our town.  They sponsor periodic cleanups and encourage public policy on beautification.  Current priorities include educating the public about the importance of beautification and improved landscaping and development on south Broadway.  Studies show that communities which are kept clean and attractive enjoy more economic benefits and experience less crime.
The organization has been giving out Awards of Merit to individuals and businesses who are making a difference.  Recent Awardees: Mark and Christi Carter, Sanford's Salon, Eureka Art & Frame, Hansen Insurance, Tom Hunt for the Hunt-Griffen Gardens.

(continue to page 4 - The Heritage Herald, Fall 1999)