The Eureka Heritage Society's Newsletter,
The Heritage Herald
, Winter 1999

EHS Green Book Silent Auction

   A limited number of copies of the prized First Edition of EHS's Eureka, An Architectural View in hardcover will be offered at silent auctions during the year 2000.  The first book will be auctioned at the February 26th Annual Meeting.


A Business of Yesteryear

Arthur X. Otto came back to his roots in 1985 when he settled in Eureka.  It all started with his grandfather Charles Valentine Otto, born in Kentucky, a grocer by trade, making a journey to Eureka in the 1880's.  Mr. Otto was drawn to the area through contact with relatives (the Duffs) who were local residents.  He went to work for W. A. Littlefield who joined forces as owners of the Littlefield and Otto Grocery Store located at the corner of 4th and F Streets in Eureka.
The grocery store was a leading business which had, by all accounts, a wide and growing patronage extending beyond the local field.  Both men were energetic and had one of the best grocery houses in Eureka.  The store carried every item called for by every class of consumers.   Their leading specialties were fine teas and coffees, best brands of flour and a fine assortment of lunch and picnic goods.  They also handled large quantities of feed and were extensive buyers and retailers of farm, garden, and dairy products in Humboldt County.  Their wagons were constantly flying about the city loaded with goods for their large delivery trade.  Many citizens and businessmen of Eureka found Messrs. Littlefield and Otto both highly regarded socially and as reputable merchants who stuck very closely to the golden rule in their dealings with others.
The Littlefield and Otto Grocery Store ads appeared in the local Eureka newspapers, as well in the Ingomar Theater programs.  
By 1902 Charles V. Otto was the sole proprietor of the store and advertising "Fancy Groceries, Wholesale and Retail".
In 1893 C.V. Otto married a local Eureka resident, Miss Lizzie Espie.  They made their home at 633 California Street, Eureka, a house which is still extant, although greatly modified from its original appearance.
Mr. Otto was also a Sergeant in Company A, 10th Infantry Brigade, 5th Div. of the National Guard and Naval Battalion, Eureka, California, June 30, 1890.  On October 31, 1892 he was promoted to Lieutenant and October 31, 1894, became Acting Commanding Officer
Charles Adrian Otto, the son of C.V. and Lizzie Otto was born December 12, 1896.  His career would take him far from Eureka, back to the eastern part of the country.  When his son, Arthur eventually returned to live in Eureka, our family had come full circle in a journey over three generations and 100 years.

                                           ...  Betty Otto


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