The Buhne Fence

Your contribution made to the Eureka Heritage Society, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, qualifies you for a charitable contribution tax credit in this calendar year!

Buy a length of fence!

We Need You to Save a Unique Feature of Eureka's Past! 
The Society has the opportunity to purchase the cast iron fence from the former Buhne Mansion,
which was located on E St. between 7th & 8th Sts.

Only a few of these Historic Fences remain!
A disappearing part of Eureka's past!
Help us raise the $10,000 necessary to buy and save it!

The fence will eventually be installed on the E Street frontage of the Annie B. Ryan House & Garden, just three blocks south of the fence's original home.

To learn more about the fence, why not take a look at the Powerpoint Presentation
put together by Chuck Petty for the recent Holiday Luncheon:

Watch the PowerPoint Presentation online:

Or, if by some chance, Microsoft OneDrive isn't working,
try GoogleDocs here:

To contribute funds to this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, use our secure PayPal online payment below.
You can choose to contribute either a set amount or an amount based on the length of the fence!
This old historic cast iron fence is 160 feet long.
In honor of our 45th anniversary, you could choose to make a charitable contribution towards purchase of the fence in the amout of $45 dollars (see the options below).
While a wonderful contribution to a worthy cause, that would only get you about 9 inches of fence length.
You could proudly say, "I helped with that 9 inches!"
but why not contribute just a little more and be able to point to a
larger stretch of the beautiful fence and proclaim,
" That foot is from me!" or, " I made that twenty feet possible!"

A legacy for the grandchildren.

Your contribution made to the Eureka Heritage Society, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, qualifies you for a charitable contribution tax credit in this calendar year!

Buy a length of fence!

Order The Green Book Online!

$33 including shipping, handling and taxes

Membership Dues

$25 Individual Membership
$35 Family Membership
$15 Student/Senior membership
$25 Senior Family Membership


$50 Nonprofit Sponsor
$75 Private Sponsor
$75 Business Sponsor
$150 Patron
$300 Benefactor
$500 Life Member


Donation to the Carson Carriage Maintenance Fund
Donation to the Emergency Preservation Fund
Donation to the Annie B Ryan House & Gardens Fund. The Eureka Heritage Society now owns a beautiful little Queen Anne at 1000 F Street in Eureka and would appreciate any help you might be able to give towards the restoration and mortgage.


Support the Eureka Heritage Society in its efforts to ensure a legacy of Humboldt County's history will be forever accesible to the public. BUY A BRICK!
Your contribution will help to restore and preserve both the Annie B. Ryan house on F Street and the gardens where the Pierce Ryan home stood. BUY A BRICK!

The Board of Directors of the Eureka Heritage Society
meets the second Monday each month at the
Annie B. Ryan House, 1000 F Street in Eureka, at 5:45 PM