The Green Book
In 1987, The Society published the outstanding document,
"Eureka, An Architectural View"
Also known as The Green Book, it contains photographs of 1200 homes and is considered one of the finest collection of details on historic homes ever published.
A limited number of these books still exist and can be purchased directly from The Eureka Heritage Society. - For a more detailed description of the Green Book and ordering information, please click here.
Below is an excerpt from the forward of The Green Book;
Acknowledgements by the Eureka Heritage Society.
the Eureka Heritage Society
The Eureka Heritage Society owes a deep dept of gratitude to the many people who have helped to survey Eureka's architecture and to create this book. Every one of them deserves to be personally acknowledged for his or her contribution. An attempt was made to compile a comprehensive list; this resulted in a list of more than one hundred names. And yet, upon review it was obvious the list was still incomplete. A complete list would contain over 1000 names, because that many people have helped in both large and small ways to bring this book into being. People who took photographs, filled out survey cards, abstracted old newspapers, took tickets at Heritage Fairs, served on the Society's Board, or performed a multitude of other tasks over the years. Each of you know
the part you have played in creating this book. To all of you we offer heartfelt thanks.
Among the multitude of contributors a few individuals have given so much of themselves that it is impossible to imagine the project ever having been completed without them. First among these is Dolores Vellutini, the Survey Coordinator. She helped to conceive the survey, served as the general in charge of the legion of volunteers working on it over the years, and made it her personal project to see that research was completed on the 1,600 significant buildings identified. Milt Phegley gave her material aid early on by photographing each of Eureka's 10,000 structures. Marilynn Bartlett was responsible for running the two Heritage Fairs that raised most of the money needed to complete the survey. Western Title provided data, and the Humboldt Area Foundation funded research into the history of specific structures.
Architectural Resources Group
Architectural Resources Group could not have produced this volume without the talents and assistance of several individuals. Special thanks are due Delores and Ray Velluntini for their help and guidance, Leslie Kleh for her work on the glossary and maps, and Mrs. G Bland Platt and the late John Beach for their review of the text and comments. The section on the Romano Gabriel Wooden Garden, in particular benefited immeasurably from the insightful assistance of Mr. Beach.
Thanks also to partner Bruce D Judd, AIA, for his review and comment throughout the course of the project, and to staff members Charles Miller, Dina Cheyette, Louise Duford, Suzanne LeGette, and Joe Wagner for their help in bringing this project to completion.