Eureka Heritage Society
Survey Files
Adding information, making corrections, adding files
The Eureka Heritage Society is interested in updating and making corrections to the Survey Files. Forms A and B are available on the EHS web site and in the Humboldt Room of the County Library. The forms need to be returned to the Eureka Heritage Society at P O Box 1354 Eureka, Ca.
The Eureka Heritage Society Survey Files contain the histories of more than 1,500 historical properties in the city. Most of the information was compiled by dedicated volunteers in the 1970s and ’80sand then reviewed by professional historians/architects. The final results were published in the book “Eureka: An Architectural View.”
Although every effort was made to accurately include all available historical information about these properties, omissions and mistakes do happen.
If you have information to add to a file, or if you wish to correct Information in a file, please fill out FORM A. This information will be reviewed by the Heritage Society Education committee for verification and then added to or corrected in the original survey file. Please do not write in additions or corrections into a file yourself.
If your historical property (at least 50 years old) was not included in the survey files, and you would like to submit the necessary information to have it included in a possible future addendum file, fill out FORM B.
The Eureka Heritage Society is interested in updating and making corrections to the Survey Files. Forms A and B are available HERE and in the Humboldt Room of the County Library. The forms need to be returned to the Eureka Heritage Society at: PO Box 1354 Eureka, California.